
Consulting on Black Soldier Flies

Advice and knowledge is needed in different stages of your project. But also depends on with which background you’re looking for information.

Future BSF farmer:

You want to start your own BSF farm and are looking how to start your black soldier fly project. At Insect Engineers we can arrange an online meeting with our BSF expert. Most heard feedback is that in a 1 hour talk a customer learns more then in the past months with their own attempt in getting knowledge about black soldier fly farming. With the same effort we can supply you an initial proposal to get a first understanding of equipment and investment involved your future BSF project.

If you want to have practical hands on information then contact us.

Investor / bank:

You received a request from an entrepreneur to start or expand an black soldier fly farm. To make a proper financial judgement you appreciate an expert view, an extra opinion, answers on the blanks of the business plan you see.

Feel free to contact us to see where we can assist.


You work for a local government and have to make a judgement on the permit of a black soldier fly farm. But where to get the knowledge to make a proper judgement on this permit request. You want to know if a black soldier fly farm creates a smell for the surroundings. And if so what solutions there are to avoid this.

Don’t hesitate and contact us as we’re happy to help.

Want to know more about what Insect Engineers can do for you?

Please feel free to contact us.

<p>Breeding insects for animal feed</p>
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