
Production detail info

Forget about plastic trays, use the more efficient and economical ZOEM rack system.

We see a tray based solution more as a logistic warehouse solution. Which is great in a clean environment. At the same time growing black soldier flies is a farming operation where you also have to deal with a lot of heat generation, humidity, etc. All things which are not beneficial for electronics. The ZOEM rack system is for that reason the ideal solution. No moving parts in the room and no also no moving belts in the room. When the room is finished the ZOEM rack has an open structure which is perfect for cleaning and hygiene.

  • Trays are from plastic, we avoid using plastic
  • Avoiding having to clean the difficult seams of a tray
  • Lifetime, when this is like 5 years of a tray and then it's garbage. The ROEM rack is more then 15 years and you still get money for it. 
  • Crates which are damaged can give safety issues in stacking the crates high. 

ZOEM racks 

  • No moving parts in the room 
  • Suitable for larger volumes 
  • Low maintance level 
  • No need of high skilled labour
  • Modular system
  • Easy to multiple feed, mix and water
  • Proven concept
  • Can be applied worldwide

<p>Breeding insects for animal feed</p>

Climate control for black soldier fly farming:

Climate control systems and well-insulated growing rooms are main aspects within your growing environment and will determine the quality conditions of your insect farming.

We have been developing prefabricated, easy-to-install and energy-efficient air-handling units, air distribution systems and user-friendly climate computers for many years now.

Entirety is one of the main benefits of our climate control systems. You can rest assured that the proposal is complete, and that the climate control is optimized to suit your local situation, which we analyze thoroughly.

The following set points are examples of

what can be controlled:

  • Substrate temperature
  • Room temperature
  • Ammonia level
  • CO2
  • Humidity
  • Etc.

Each BSF production and breeding room will be equipped with their own control box which can be accessed by the growing with any internet connected device.

The building has to meet the high insulation requirements for an optimal insect farming result. The most economical way of doing this is working with our round top structures.

Buildings will be delivered complete. Local work consists of the concrete work and putting up the building. Insect Engineers will supply drawings to enabling this work locally.

BSF machinery for filling and emptying the ZOEM rack system.

In stead of bringing the production rooms to a central machinery area we bring the machinery to the production rooms. This avoids moving around with substrate and larvae, climate changes, etc.

The BSF ZOEM Filler is used for filling the vertical ZOEM racks. A ZOEM filler makes it possible to fill your raw material into your ZOEM rack.

Further details:

  • Self-lifting construction. This way, the filling platform always sits in a horizontal straight line with the ZOEM rack.
  • ZOEM Filler unloads directly from the belt on the ZOEM rack.
  • Variable filling speed.

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