VIV MEA – 20-22 Nov 2023 - How middle-east can enter large scale insect farming?
On 20-22 Nov Bob Holtermans 'The Fly- Ing Dutchman' and CEO of Insect Engineers will be attending VIV MEA 2023 Abu Dhabi, UAE . During the show he will be available to talk about the future of insect farming in the middle east and share information about building Turnkey Insect farms across the region.
Sanergy - in 2019 approval to build a large-scale Black Soldier Fly production facility and to expand the BSF breeding facility was agreed. The production facility can process 200 tons of waste per day. Meaning a significant 73.000 tons per year! The facility was taken into production in 2020 -
The middle-east shows a lot of promise regards its environment and energy goals. Waste, food, feed, water and becoming more self-sustaining are all on the agenda. Insect farming, and more specifically the black soldier fly, contributes to all of these. During VIV worldwide #VivMea show as part of the #huborange events. Bob Holtermans, will present on the potential of black soldier flies for the middle-east market. Explaining how to approach these opportunities and realize large scale future proof facilities. Bob will give insight on growing steps, markets with practical examples. He will also be on hand to explain his vision to openly share knowledge about Black soldier fly farming through his Insect school. With plans to bring this knowledge to the middle east in the near future.
If you plan to visit #vivmea please feel free to make contact with Bob Holtermans where he will be available to answer your questions regards BSF farming. If you hadn’t planned to attend and are in the region, may be an opportunity to visit the show and learn more about the latest from the livestock industry.
For more information about our insect school and turnkey solutions.
If you are visiting VIV MEA, please take time to meet with Bob on the Insect engineers stand 08.G042.
#insects #wastemanagement #foodwaste #poultry